[ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

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I was asking Rhys not you^^
Well Rhys never answered you, so I decided to pass on information that was given to me in August-ish - and the reason likely hasn't changed since then. Remember when I was very close to this project? Yeah, it was back then. I also don't see any other explanation for it, so there was really no need to be so rude.
Simply saying that I asked him doesnt make it rude. Maybe for you it does but you are just a 14 year old. Andd even if he wouldnt have answered me I think it would be none of your business
Wow guys, we don't want to fill this thread with sensitive teen tears like the last one, so keep the back and forth to a minimum.


Suit switching now in, as well as a few changes to how Appearances work. Sims now have a "default" set of suits which are remembered. Apart from daywear, these cannot be changed right now, as that would require use of a dresser/wardrobe, which work on plugins.

Small problem, I can't find the "charred sim" skin from anywhere, so you just have barely anything on when you come out of the teleporter when it fails.
Wow guys, we don't want to fill this thread with sensitive teen tears like the last one, so keep the back and forth to a minimum.


Suit switching now in, as well as a few changes to how Appearances work. Sims now have a "default" set of suits which are remembered. Apart from daywear, these cannot be changed right now, as that would require use of a dresser/wardrobe, which work on plugins.

Small problem, I can't find the "charred sim" skin from anywhere, so you just have barely anything on when you come out of the teleporter when it fails.
xD,Noticed something with this in a session with Shippya.. xD

Just fixed female vox, now you won't sound like a dude @nicefunfungirl . ;) GIF unrelated, it just shows how to get rich quick.

Working on TV sounds, working in place with everything else (with pan/volume) but need to restructure a little to allow for special events like this.

@francot514 The ghost objects are intentional, though they are meant to be another colour.
Is implementing the "needs" system a feature that is being prioritized at all with the current task queue?
I happened to notice that as you said so o_o


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some glitches i've noticed are that when your sim has the medium or dark skin tone, the head that comes up when you make your sim do an action is a light head.
also, lighting a fireplace makes the match striking sound effect loop infinitely.
Is implementing the "needs" system a feature that is being prioritized at all with the current task queue?
It's not on the list because it's that easy. The only things on the list are the things with a combination of the highest priority and highest complexity.

some glitches i've noticed are that when your sim has the medium or dark skin tone, the head that comes up when you make your sim do an action is a light head.
also, lighting a fireplace makes the match striking sound effect loop infinitely.
Pie menu heads are really shoddy and probably need to be redone entirely.

Just implemented TV sounds. Place down a tv, turn it on and feel the nostalgia rushing over you.
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