Blue Rose Classic


Well-Known Member
Since I left FreeSO Discord, I'm no longer able to provide support or keep up with any changes in the client. For this reason, I've decided to abandon the Blue Rose project - don't lock this thread, though. It'll continue function properly for as long as the TeamCity system remains in place. Version indicator will eventually break but that's harmless.

Thanks for all the fish.
Blue Rose is a launcher for FreeSO. Aside from the obvious, it also updates the client or itself with a simple click, so you're never out of date. Self-updates use the same method but also launches the installer after unpacking. Blue Rose cleans up after itself and removes excess zip files (and soon it's installer) every time you fire up the app. Like FSO Translations, Blue Rose is an independent project from FreeSO. Do not go to Rhys or ddfczm to get answers for Blue Rose! All support is maintained on this thread.
  • Make sure to put it into the same folder as FreeSO.
  • Offline is best for metered connections


New release now includes a accurate version number. Versions are read as: Major.Minor.Build.Revision. The offline installer includes a snapshot of 2.1.5907.42482. You'll need to manually update the launcher to get newer releases.
Apparently we're gonna go the XP route. Anyone still using Blue Rose should migrate to a different launcher or update to receive emergency patches. Support Blue Rose Classic will end Jan 1st, 2017.​


  • BlueRoseLauncher_2016-03-17_18-15-07.png
    5.1 KB · Views: 133
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I assume this would require some stuff being done on the servers end, but I'd love to see RSS reader instead of IE control. I already follow the blog on RSS, can't do that to threads though, but I'm sure there is something for XenForo to enable it.
I assume this would require some stuff being done on the servers end, but I'd love to see RSS reader instead of IE control.
Nah. It can easily function like any other RSS reader without changing the website. It's just a matter of pulling it off. xD
^ nice one xD

But seriously, news section in any launcher is often getting data through RSS. There should be tons of examples on how to code that on Windows. Hey, in early Windows 8 days, most apps were basically RSS readers pointed at a specific website xD Except for Discourse, as it supported multiple sources and you could customize it.
The IE embed will eventually be replaced, RSS or whichever. Right now it's just a mock up ducked up together into a functional application.
The IE embed will eventually be replaced, RSS or whichever. Right now it's just a mock up ducked up together into a functional application.
RSS is actually much easier to implement than you think... Here's the RSS page for the Development News thread:
- Or you could use the blog feed:
Also, you could also scan for the TSO folders & go into the TSOClient directory until FreeSO is moved to its own install directory, at which point there'll probably be a registry entry anyway. See this file for registry scanning:
This should allow you to change your process starter to something along the lines of "C:\Program Files (x86)\TSO\TSOClient\FreeSO.exe" or even "D:\weird folder\tso\tso stuffs\tso install\whatever\TSOClient\FreeSO.exe" depending on where it's installed.
Here's some code to get you started:
private string ParseRSSFeed(string feedurl)
    XmlDocument rssXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNodeList rssNodes = rssXmlDoc.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");
    StringBuilder rssContent = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (XmlNode rssNode in rssNodes)
        XmlNode rssSubNode = rssNode.SelectSingleNode("title");
        string title = rssSubNode != null ? rssSubNode.InnerText : "";
        rssContent.Append(title + " \n");
    return rssContent.ToString();
You can invoke it as such to get the Development News threads:
Keep in mind that it only shows the title of the threads, no linking or anything fancy. You could possibly display the thread's content but you'd have to remove all of the HTML tags etc which renders it pretty difficult to do.
Also, you could also scan for the TSO folders & go into the TSOClient directory until FreeSO is moved to its own install directory, at which point there'll probably be a registry entry anyway. See this file for registry scanning:
This should allow you to change your process starter to something along the lines of "C:\Program Files (x86)\TSO\TSOClient\FreeSO.exe" or even "D:\weird folder\tso\tso stuffs\tso install\whatever\TSOClient\FreeSO.exe" depending on where it's installed.
I actually know about that already. Used it to make PD's and a Sims 2 launcher out of it - even though the latter no longer exists. The reason why I didn't put it in the initial release is because you don't need put the FreeSO in the same folder as TSO in Windows 8 (if I recall) and above because of the game detection.

RSS is actually much easier to implement than you think... Here's the RSS page for the Development News thread:
Here's some code to get you started:
private string ParseRSSFeed(string feedurl)
    XmlDocument rssXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNodeList rssNodes = rssXmlDoc.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");
    StringBuilder rssContent = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (XmlNode rssNode in rssNodes)
        XmlNode rssSubNode = rssNode.SelectSingleNode("title");
        string title = rssSubNode != null ? rssSubNode.InnerText : "";
        rssContent.Append(title + " \n");
    return rssContent.ToString();
You can invoke it as such to get the Development News threads:
Keep in mind that it only shows the title of the threads, no linking or anything fancy. You could possibly display the thread's content but you'd have to remove all of the HTML tags etc which renders it pretty difficult to do.
Thanks. I'll try it out.
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The zip is now bundled with an installer that installs the launcher, an uninstaller, desktop and start menu shortcuts. The default directory is to C:\Users\[username]\FreeSO but that's only because that's where I put FreeSO.
Don't know if you know this but at the moment things are out of proportion on Windows 7 when compared to Windows 10:
Updated with primitive OpenAL detection and support for launching FSO IDE by pressing the "Develop" button.

Don't know if you know this but at the moment things are out of proportion on Windows 7 when compared to Windows 10:
View attachment 1112
As someone who doesn't have Windows 7 anymore (nor can I go back to it), I was unaware of this. I did have to mingle with the proportions when I re-sized it to 800x600.
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Renamed from FreeSOLauncherZ to the more memorable to Blue Rose, app now checks to see if a page exists, and a few other under the hood changes. Since FreeSOLauncherZ lacked error checking for web pages, going to "Launcher News" will likely crash the app. Temporary filler icon while I figure out how to draw a rose in Aseprite.
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Blue Rose is now somewhat smaller (cause I was experimenting with the UI a week or so ago) but it now includes the update button with the progress bar. Updating doesn't work yet and it'll give you an error if you try. Aside from those little changes, this is mainly maintenance release with most changes happening under the hood.