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whoops just crashed but that was pretty cool lol. i can't wait until the online becomes more stable so the servers don't crash all the time lol
Okay,so i think someone demanding a big mac or something makes me go to it and man it,and then give it,and it crashes too.
Also i'm sure drinking crashes.

JDrocks450: I am the mastermind behind Bobby balls

Cyber Toon: bob inc must be a horrible company

Rhys: rip fish

nessie: you're the CEO of Baby Balls Inc

nessie: *bobby

Cyber Toon: to make people work on saturday

nessie: omg that typo

nessie: i really am going to jail

Rhys: WTF

JDrocks450: I constantly heard death. It scarred me

nessie: lets all ignore that

Rhys: ur going to internet jail now

nessie: me too

JeremyT: LOL

Cyber Toon: Will I go to jail?

nessie: throw me in cyber jail

Rhys: im calling the internet police

nessie: oh no i hear sirens whailing

JeremyT: We are in a chat room with a 12 yr. old grill, so we all are.

nessie: write me in cyber jail guys
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