I've been working on the Mac version of my launcher. Hopefully I can release it soon. I'm testing on Catalina.
I have a question about the freeso.command in the macextras. Would it be possible to pass down the arguments to the script? This way the launcher can append its own.
cd -- "$(dirname "$0")"
if [ -f "PatchFiles/patch.zip" ]; then
rm "PatchFiles/patch/" -r
cd PatchFiles
unzip patch.zip -d patch/
rm patch/PatchFiles/
rm patch/MonoGame.Framework.dll
rm patch/MonoGame.Framework.xml
cd ../
rsync -a PatchFiles/patch/ .
rm PatchFiles/patch.zip
rm PatchFiles/patch/
mono FreeSO.exe $@
I added
$@ after mono FreeSO.exe which appends all the arguments passed when running the script.
A little preview: