FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

How funny, every MMO never had a "successful" launch xD

By the way, I hope FreeSO' Team will import Magic and Fame from TS1.
Content from other Sims games is not being brought in to FreeSO. Some existing objects that went unused in TSO might be made to work and some things made from scratch may be made in the future, though.
Oh, Makin' magic and Superstar had the best stuff if it comes to quality, what a pity!
While it is possible to port The Sims 1 objects to TSO by fixing the object's BHAV, if you do this (and distribute) you are getting into a very grey legal area, where EA can send a DMCA takedown for using The Sims 1 assets without having the original game.
I don't even know how EA allows this in general... I'm not complaining though!! ahahah
If they will see how many people are interested in playing FreeSO, they will get angry. They lost a big oportunity to gain money. :D
Yeah, it's overloaded right now so sometimes you don't see the success window, but you're registered.
They mentioned after this fix, people may have to Register again, as I believe they tend to cleanup a lot of areas and start fresh with the new Open/Closed Beta day - just be prepared - just in case :)
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Content from other Sims games is not being brought in to FreeSO. Some existing objects that went unused in TSO might be made to work and some things made from scratch may be made in the future, though.

I read about Volcanic and other tools that let you create everything from scratch. Someone could even add "Magic style" furniture and even new functions, right?

So, Cauldrons, spellbooks, wands, magic plants can be added to the game without using The Sims 1 assets, right?
Furniture, absolutely!
In fact, addition to Volcanic, Rhys created a plugin for Blender that'll export sprites. (and started a few of us on learning Blender :D )

I have no idea whether how large a task the new functions would be. The magic seems to be is combination of inventory items and a controller that tracks these things. But TSO's inventory works a bit differently than TS1 (ok very differently). I do not know if TS1 gifts, purchases, crop, ingredient, and skill tokens have a place in FreeSO. (I always figured I'd post and ask about the inventory differences when things settled down a bit) If not, then an entirely new system would need to be built in to keep track of magic skill and (in the case of the magic flowers) how much residual magic the lot has. That, of course, would be at the discretion of the developer and I think it is safe to say it'd be down the priorities list (probably by years.) Same thing with Fame though I believe TSO put a leaderboard in, didn't they (I was tiny lot so didn't really pay attention to that sorta stuff)? So who knows, perhaps there's some stuff that could be tapped into there (again, in future).

I LOVE Makin' Magic/Hocus Pokus/Spellbound. Love love love the magical stuff. Love. (In fact, the most Sims-fun I've had in ages was making a magic shop set with a couple of 'spell casting' cashiers and THAT was years ago.) But I honestly can't see how it would benefit the online community very much at the moment. Right now it is just a theme, like the Moroccan furnishings. Nothing wrong with themes, obviously, but to ask the developer to add a new system into FreeSO, I think we might need to come up with a more community-centric reason for the magic (above and beyond the fact that hotfooting people would be a fun alternative to piledriving :D )
I'm not sure I want the 'expansion pack' content actually.

This is "The Sims Online", not "The Sims, online". Subtle but big difference. TSO as it originated was very popular in its day. Adding all the expansion packs content to a game that never had it in the first place is a huge amount of work that I'm not sure is justified at this stage.
Hello! Yeah! I have download game! Yeah) Tell me, please, when I downloaded game, I will play in her?