FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

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A problem I see is that when port forwarding manually, my router only lets me input IPv4 Ip's in the 10.0.0.--- format. I will re-try port mapper, and check to see if the port is open.
EDIT: I used port mapper and canyouseeme.org says that it couldn't see my service.
uh what
Ports don't really involve IPs when forwarding unless they're forwarding from a certain IP which leads me to believe you might be in the wrong place - please could you provide a screenshot?
The name may sound unoriginal, and it is! But who cares? This is my Playtesting server thread. I will be posting new info when needed by updating this First Post that you are reading now. I thought I'd make this server for anyone who might want to play test, since there hasn't been many recently.

Any other information needed just ask a question and I will try to respond ASAP!
This is my first time doing this! Just keep that in mind. :p
Tring to join but just sits there :(
Servers are quite shortlived right now, users only host them for a few hours. This playtest happened last month.
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