FSO-Playtesting Server, We're Back!

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What? OK, I develop this game and I know for a fact that even right now with the serialization it's not quite ready for longer than one day. There's still a large risk of it crashing.
does the servers still do that catch up apon joinin
i can see like a script that resets/saves server every like 30mins or so if server still does that
watched youtube videos sence missed oct month of playtesting
The catchup thing isn't present anymore, thanks to the lot serialization efforts. The biggest risk now is accidental desyncs and uncaught game crashes. SimAntics error handling is currently a hack and can cause a lot more things to go wrong (since operations can be interrupted midway through), and net commands do not have verification.
I hope i get to play FreeSO with people someday. cant wait! ill just have to wait a while until his server is ready :p
I hope i get to play FreeSO with people someday. cant wait! ill just have to wait a while until his server is ready :p
The playtests over the summer, (and also the first ever playtest I think in June.) were really fun because they had so many people. When it's your first time playing again in so long, it's a lot of fun. Hopefully the finished Release will bring even more people here to play the game with us and make it as lively and diverse as the original. Though I'm sure it will.
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The server is Offline now. Though It will be back tomorrow anytime after 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time/GMT -5! Remember to request server up time right here on this thread, anytime between 3:00 and 6:00 Eastern Time! Remember That hours are different for WEEKDAYS and WEEKENDS! All Hour information is available on first page, Please read about server hours there!
GMT Time Converter Here! http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/
If you have any further questions, feel free to either P.M. me, or post them here!
might have to go back to 154 sence in change log says
looks like soon have lot buying and connect to mass server
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