Odd Bug/Glitch


After I moved out of a lot that I was roomate of, all my stuff/objects didn't got packed into my inventory. After I visited my ex-lot, I asked for the owner If she can send them back to me, and she attempted to do by putting it on a sale for free, in which I could get them back. Thought it didn't worked, because I couldn't grab them from my inventory GUI ("You do not own this" lable kept popping after I clicked).

I presume this latter bug occured after I purchase them as a roomate and moved out of the lot. And since the owner doesn't own propery, thus for someone after she put on sale it caused it behave oddly and not really sellable.
Your items not going into your inventory is a known glitch. They should have. The only things that usually get left behind (temporarily) are things that are actually in use when you moved out. Someone reading a book from your bookcase, for example, will be able to continue reading. Your bookcase will turn grey but will stay there until they are finished and then it will disappear the instant they stop using it. In your case, however, it is due to the known glitch.

The lot owner should not have been able to put it on sale AT ALL. That button should have been disabled for her. Only the owner of an object can put it on sale (or change the price of it if it is already for sale). If it gave her the option then something is extra wrong.

What she can try is "selling" the items and see if they appear in your inventory. If you were a still a roommate then they would. but since you (an the items) are glitched you might want to have her try it with just one small unimportant thing.
She should note her own cash first, then try it and see if it actually gives her cash. (It should definitely NOT do so but, again, she should NOT have the option to set a price and put things on sale either). And you can check to see if it appears in your inventory. (This is what they meant on Discord by "deleting" the object, by the way)