That's probably the most ridiculous comment I ever read... except if you was not serious when you said this???i think the people that are crashing this server are fired sims online developers
Yeah, I was online in that discord group yesterday, but I didn't ask for the new IP because it was late (I remember you saying that you were going to bed, and people should be saving the house so, if the server crashes, there was at least a backup), and I was having fun messing around the FSO.IDE.You can join my discord or message me via Discord.
Please, stop assuming Reddit users are the cause. They're not bad and actrually quite many trolls. go away redditors... keep our game classic & timeless.. don't turn it into garbage. please. thanks. <3
Yeah, I don't know why it is redditors fault when you have this in YouTube comments about FreeSO.Please, stop assuming Reddit users are the cause. They're not bad and actrually quite mature.
I just shared that comment because it isn't the "redditors" (well, at least not the most part) that it is trolling PatrickJr's server.Nice redacted, it's very clear that that's Kpopp...
You're all forgetting that this is not what The Sims Online was, and what we've got right now is still incredibly incomplete from a gameplay perspective. You're not meant to be able to do everything on everyone's lot for free, things are meant to cost money, and you need to manually appoint roommates to allow them to build.
Permissions will come for the sandbox testing environment as a result of them being developed for the MMO gameplay, which should be sometime soon.
How do I get the IP address? I really want to play freeSO
You can join my discord or message me via Discord.
I think they meant that as a more friendly "raid" if you understand what I'm saying, as in like, just a ton of people joining and acting weird than the more hostile "raids" that happen sometimes, like crashing the server etc. But yknow, who knows what they meant?Yeah, I don't know why it is redditors fault when you have this in YouTube comments about FreeSO.
You can join my discord or message me via Discord.what is the ip?
I don't think it should be a issue if you joined PatrickJr's server, as long you respect the server rules. (and yes, FreeSO is not really complete, for me, trolling/raids is when people are having fun and then they start destroying other sims houses for "fun" (of course, this won't be a issue when @RHY3756547 implements The Sims Online lot permissions/money))Hello guys! I am new to the forum, but I already play the game from a week ago, I think.
I discovered this IP because of Kpopp and I tried it one time until the IP change recently. When I read the posting from RHY, I just want to say that, we, as Kpopp's subscribers and fans, apologized if we did some trouble to your server. And for MrPowerGamerBR, we like to goof around and by raid, it's just like, come to the server and have fun. We don't intend to break things randomly or be a troll. If you know, Kelly likes to do stream too, maybe by raid it means that. But there was one time that I bought things randomly and forgot to sell it again. I am sorry if it became a bug. And sorry that I constantly tried to join just to do random things like running and repairing things. I was just excited!
And for the info, recently, Kelly apologized
And once again I am sorry if I made some bugs when I was lurking in your IP. Seeing this, maybe I will not play it for some time to make the game in a "perfected" state. I think the game is still sensitive to many bugs, and I don't want to wreck your IP and the game if I do random things. Thanks guys for your hard work! I will see you another time!
Oh and, Thank you PatrickJr for the amazing play test!