At the time we were paying 1k per jam. It wasn't bad, and our roomies also had multiple accounts. The true money maker was ripe fruit sales at another property. Between the two methods we never had an issue keeping up with payouts or being in the top 5 for a few months.AidanM,
Thank you for this insight! I had a feeling something special had to be happening to keep up with payouts. I could never had afforded 8 accounts... but, I'm assuming you mean four for you, and four for her. I certainly wouldn't be able to pay that even now, as an adult. I'm curious on your stance on payouts... 8 accounts would be free this time around, but still, I'd imagine the work of constantly playing pizza got annoying... as fun as it actually sounds (and that's not sarcasm).
This is before the exploit when rampid back in 2005. Payouts ranged from 300-1k depending on the property. On the official launch expect most sims at skill houses.