Version 0.1.23

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There are info for The sims expasion packs 5,6,7 in TSO???, becuase therre no was content about those..
The NPC controller spawns her entity at like 8 am, it's not new. Glad to see it's working though.
What bugs? No problems on my end.

Try this, donwlaod pd source from github in a different folder and run in into vs, then try to compile and you will see a lot of errors that will not allow you to debug...
Weird - Afr0 is hosting the files so I'm not able to see what's going on there. Last time I checked he was updating the client/server protocol, but i havent seen him since.
I just tested character creation and deletion, it seems to work, though deletion still has this annoying bug where it will seemingly delete the wrong character half the time.
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