Version 0.1.26

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It was the most popular city in TC3. It's actually one of the cities that was never used on the production server - which might be fitting for our purposes. I know people have their city loyalties to Blazing Falls or whatever, but I think we should pick something interesting, different and that we can all agree on.
I actually had an idea of switching city every week or every month or so. I think that might be cool.
Heck, if we get a ton of players (donations) we could even launch a second city!


As Rhys correctly guessed, I'm working on letting players purchase lots. Rhys' rendering code is kinda daunting, and so far my tactic has been to tackle this task in small, bite-sized chunks. As fortune would have it, Rhys left a good starting point for me in the client code:

        private bool isLandBuildable(int x, int y)
            if (x < 0 || x > 510 || y < 0 || y > 510) return false; //because of +1s, use 510 as bound rather than 511. People won't see those tiles at near view anyways.

            if (m_TerrainTypeColorData[y * 512 + x] == new Color(0x0C, 0, 255)) return false; //if on water, not buildable

            //gets max and min elevation of the 4 verts of this tile, and compares them against a threshold. This threshold should be EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE SERVER!
            //This is so that the game and the server have the same ideas on what is buildable and what is not.

            int max = Math.Max(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x)*4], Math.Max(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x+1)*4], Math.Max(m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x+1)*4], m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x)*4])));
            int min = Math.Min(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x)*4], Math.Min(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x+1)*4], Math.Min(m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x+1)*4], m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x)*4])));

            return (max-min < 10); //10 is the threshold for now

First step in the final step of enabling lot buying will be to throw this onto the server! :)
I actually had an idea of switching city every week or every month or so. I think that might be cool.
Heck, if we get a ton of players (donations) we could even launch a second city!


As Rhys correctly guessed, I'm working on letting players purchase lots. Rhys' rendering code is kinda daunting, and so far my tactic has been to tackle this task in small, bite-sized chunks. As fortune would have it, Rhys left a good starting point for me in the client code:

        private bool isLandBuildable(int x, int y)
            if (x < 0 || x > 510 || y < 0 || y > 510) return false; //because of +1s, use 510 as bound rather than 511. People won't see those tiles at near view anyways.

            if (m_TerrainTypeColorData[y * 512 + x] == new Color(0x0C, 0, 255)) return false; //if on water, not buildable

            //gets max and min elevation of the 4 verts of this tile, and compares them against a threshold. This threshold should be EXACTLY THE SAME ON THE SERVER!
            //This is so that the game and the server have the same ideas on what is buildable and what is not.

            int max = Math.Max(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x)*4], Math.Max(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x+1)*4], Math.Max(m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x+1)*4], m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x)*4])));
            int min = Math.Min(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x)*4], Math.Min(m_ElevationData[(y*512+x+1)*4], Math.Min(m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x+1)*4], m_ElevationData[((y+1)*512+x)*4])));

            return (max-min < 10); //10 is the threshold for now

First step in the final step of enabling lot buying will be to throw this onto the server! :)
And where would the Lots appear? 466 Members are registered so enough Lots should be ready
That means there's a glitch with your video card. Keeping TSO.World.dll won't fix that...
What graphics card are you using? Does it support Opengl 3? Have you tried disabling city shadows?
Big error, I updated to xna 4.0 == if anyone knows the link for xna 4.1 please do. I google it and i almost got some trash on my pc from an uknown source.
I tried to find a source from microsoft website and failed. So let me know if you got the link.
This is a very old game, I dont think i need to upgrade my graphics like if we were playing WOW and by the way I can play WOW in my system very smoothly.

If anyone have a solution hit me up.

As Rhys correctly guessed, I'm working on letting players purchase lots. Rhys' rendering code is kinda daunting, and so far my tactic has been to tackle this task in small, bite-sized chunks. As fortune would have it, Rhys left a good starting point for me in the client code:

I am ready to spoil this game with cash, this been said... purchasing the LOT is going to be so awesome.
I AM your #1 FAN.

NO exceptions.
Big error, I updated to xna 4.0 == if anyone knows the link for xna 4.1 please do. I google it and i almost got some trash on my pc from an uknown source.
I tried to find a source from microsoft website and failed. So let me know if you got the link.
This is a very old game, I dont think i need to upgrade my graphics like if we were playing WOW and by the way I can play WOW in my system very smoothly.

If anyone have a solution hit me up.

View attachment 440
This bug only happens when you have a bad version of OpenAL.

Concerning how this is an old game, it might have been the case for the original game which used a software renderer + DX6, but Project Dollhouse is a full recreation of the original game which is graphics accelerating the game using OpenGL 3.0. It's hilariously unoptimized right now, so performance will not be good for a while, but with the right hardware and optimisations it will be much smoother and scalable than the original thanks to this.

I have the XFX Radeon HD 5850 Black Edition 1GB Direct X 11 Shader Model 5 OpenCL 1.2 Open GL 4.4
This may be an AMD issue. Does the world rendering (lot) work for you at least?
I got the same problem as Marvin. I have a Radeon 6450. It directly happens after booting the game, you won't see anything but the updater

I got the same problem as Marvin. I have a Radeon 6450. It directly happens after booting the game, you won't see anything but the updater

Marvin's problem is that he can't see the city. Have you tried deleting TSO.World.dll? (should probably set it to compile to dll anyways)
This bug only happens when you have a bad version of OpenAL.

Concerning how this is an old game, it might have been the case for the original game which used a software renderer + DX6, but Project Dollhouse is a full recreation of the original game which is graphics accelerating the game using OpenGL 3.0. It's hilariously unoptimized right now, so performance will not be good for a while, but with the right hardware and optimisations it will be much smoother and scalable than the original thanks to this.

This may be an AMD issue. Does the world rendering (lot) work for you at least?
Yes, when i go in Lot Debug, i can scroll away from the Lot and can see the World. But when i gonna log in,and join East Jerome, i hang at 50% and it is doing nothing ...
Okay, I'm completely confused now, since that's a network problem and before you were saying that the city appeared black. What do you see when you zoom out to the city level in Simantics and Lot Debug? Does it change when you toggle City Shadows in Graphics Options?
After much debate on OpenAL I downloaded it from this link

Second, I decided to create a new avatar, in East Jerome, and I wasn't successful

Link of video "Missing part of my avatar face, look closely. Unable to join East Jerome." This account was not created today, but a few days ago.

Link of video "creating new account today, unable to join East Jerome"Video of my new avatar creation and stuck
After much debate on OpenAL I downloaded it from this link

Second, I decided to create a new avatar, in East Jerome, and I wasn't successful

Link of video "Missing part of my avatar face, look closely. Unable to join East Jerome." This account was not created today, but a few days ago.

Link of video "creating new account today, unable to join East Jerome"Video of my new avatar creation and stuck

"I cannot go inside the LOT"
You can atm only go into a lot in SimAntics Mode in the Login Screen, they arent finished yet
Missing part of avatar's Face is also a graphical bug, I have it too. I suspect it is a Monogame issue rather than Rhys' code.
And hanging on 50% at least doesn't crash the seerver now, so that's a step in the right direction :p
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