What kinda lots will you create?


Active Member
So, What kinda lots will you create when PD becomes playable? I'm considering on making a motel, for short term guest stays - especially after work hours when most tend to green - and maybe moving up the ranks to more longer term as a hotel.
Until I get enough money to go out on my own, I plan to room at a skill house. The I plan to resume my old style of running a store, aimed towards rare pets but plan to sell needed various items as well. Store lots were always my fav.
Assumming jobs have better pay then the original (*begs*), I'll probably start by working at the Restaurant so I can make enough Simoleans to expand the lot to accomdate at least three rooms.
Assumming jobs have better pay then the original (*begs*), I'll probably start by working at the Restaurant so I can make enough Simoleans to expand the lot to accomdate at least three rooms.
I was never big on the jobs and pay they offer, I found it easiest to just jam in full houses, or find payout houses. But I'm guessing it will take the new community a while before anyone is offering payouts. :)
I always owned and roomied in money homes, but I always wanted a skill house experience. The only thing I can imagine that would really be annoying about it is how many people simply afk when skilling, while money homes require at least a little bit of game interaction between greening.

My first, and some of my most memorable experiences I had was in welcome homes though. I wanted SO badly to have that home that newbies felt comfortable jumping into and getting to know the game. But as the years went by in the game, the welcome homes got less and less traffic until no new gamers even looked to that category anymore. So yeah, that dream went out the window. I had an alt sim that had a store home so I could pull pets to find rares, but I don't really count that lol.

Honestly, what I want is to run a skill house that is exclusive to the cooking skill. I always hated skill houses that tried to run all the different skills. I could never get the fastest skill gain possible for the skill I wanted because people were scattered all over the lot, skilling different things. I realize that as the TSO community got smaller and smaller it became more necessary for homes to offer more and more skills so as to maintain popularity, but still, I personally would not go that route.

This may not seem like a nice thing to say, but am I the only one that couldn't believe how some of the most popular houses were the most ugly. Some were so ugly I nearly left even though I was making good money there lol. And I don't mean ugly as in has ugly objects- I mean poor construction. I dunno, I enjoy making nice places though, and am a bit of a perfectionist. Sigh, oh those ugly houses...
I always preferred the jobs, myself!
And the romantic lots :p

I think I had an idea to make new types of jobs, actually!
Honestly,I can't build any lots without it looking stupid XDD Believe me I've tried.... But anyways,Afr0,Shouldn't you make default lots,jobs,houses and stuff? And give us starter money to even affod houses?
My first job love ( lol ) and last was the robot factory. I never got into serving those rude customers at the Diner.
I'd take the rude customers at the Diner over the Robot Factory until the they're a bigger enough player base to balance the load of creating all those robots. x.x