Recent content by Gouda Kai

  1. Gouda Kai

    Loading stops at 29%: Sterilizing TCP/IP sockets

    OK, thanks for explaining why!
  2. Gouda Kai

    pathoLOGICal BOARDerS

    Does anyone have any screenshots of the old AV money lot pathoLOGICal BOARDerS? I remember it being a beautiful lot and would possibly like to re-create it.
  3. Gouda Kai

    Loading stops at 29%: Sterilizing TCP/IP sockets

    Hi team, I'm trying to play FreeSO at work (lol) but when I select my sim and log in to Sunrise Crater it stops loading at the 29% mark which is the 'sterilizing TCP/IP sockets' step. I can play OK on my home network, so I imagine it has to do with my workplace's network. However my Windows...
  4. Gouda Kai

    [ARCHIVE] Final Checklist Discussion

    I'm glad I'm not the only who remembers that project. A lot of us donated money to that one.
  5. Gouda Kai

    FreeSO Complete Setup Tool

    Thanks JDrocks. No rush, though; I imagine you're busy. Only when you find the time.
  6. Gouda Kai

    FreeSO Complete Setup Tool

    Hi team, Attached is an issue where the bottom of the FreeSO screen gets cut off. Is there any way to adjust this? For reference, I'm using 'OPENGL' mode, and this is the case for both the 'FULLSCREEN' and 'Window - Fullscr.' options. The 'Window - Custom' throws an unhandled exception, and...
  7. Gouda Kai

    FIXED - Null Reference Exception

    I've updated it and it's working now! Thanks.
  8. Gouda Kai

    FIXED - Null Reference Exception

    Has anyone else encountered this?
  9. Gouda Kai

    Legacy Player, Just Found FreeSO [Stevey from AV]

    Pizza! Totally just remembered that existed and so happy for that. You seem to remember quite a bit too. Thanks for the links, I appreciate that.
  10. Gouda Kai

    Skilling House (Ea Land)

    Yep! Looks familiar!
  11. Gouda Kai

    [LEGACY]How to join a server and install FreeSO

    Great guide. Thanks for the help!
  12. Gouda Kai

    There are bear repairmen among us...

    Loved being the polar bear. Spent a lot of time in Interhogan as one back in the day.
  13. Gouda Kai

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    Can't wait to jam again!
  14. Gouda Kai

    Development Blog (and forum migration info)

    Just reviewed the blog! Looks great!
  15. Gouda Kai

    Will Contribute to Finding Legacy TSO Players

    Find my introduction here: Hi everyone, I recently stumbled upon FreeSO and am very impressed in the progress of development. It would be an understatement to say I'm looking forward to playing the full...