Recent content by jokergato

  1. jokergato

    Follower of the proyect since 2014 (after failed resurrections of TSO)

    Follower of the proyect since 2014 (after failed resurrections of TSO)
  2. jokergato

    packing slips?

    The all info what you need is there: ;)
  3. jokergato

    Hum..... Help?

    Thanks! Now the game is working! ;)
  4. jokergato

    Hum..... Help?

    I open Freeso and i got this menssage , any idea?
  5. jokergato


    You need install OpenAL , there is a link to download it:
  6. jokergato

    It´s possible in a future make a one server open 24Hrs? (Like normal online game)

    I came here (later about 3 weeks) and now we can play online by servers created by users of community, it´s awesome! :D:D But my question is if after the play tests the team (developers) think about create a one big server to host all players to play everytime with other people? I don´t know...
  7. jokergato

    [ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

    Thanks again :D :D :D
  8. jokergato

    [ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

    ahhh , wow thanks! :D and how i can play the game in fullscreen? :oops:
  9. jokergato

    [ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

    i have these error inmediatly when i open the game, i have the last build
  10. jokergato

    What i can do from here?

    only in this part, when i play i have 55-62 fps , why?
  11. jokergato

    What i can do from here?

    Finally i can go to simantics & debug mode ! :eek:
  12. jokergato

    What i can do from here?

    im deleted TSO.World.dll but im continue with the same error
  13. jokergato

    What i can do from here?

    I just click on Simantics & Lot debug , but i have this error :(
  14. jokergato

    What i can do from here?

    I can log in and select a sim, and sometimes i can enter to the city, but what i can do after do this? (enter to the city) The game is playable? How this guy can do this? i want play this game if the servers are open :confused:
  15. jokergato

    Other way to download TSO?

    Hi, some time ago I had changed pc and I remembered this game and that there was a project that attempted to run it again. When I try to download TSO, the download speed is very slow, and I wondered if there was another link to download it faster :) There is an screenshot of the program...