Recent content by JWofles

  1. JWofles

    jwofles' property inc.

    craftingworkbench / Crafting Workbench / craftingworkbench_iff_100 - 872 tris (was 12,558 tris before) - uses custom textures - thanks to miha for the saw, hammer, paintbrush, paintbucket, and clamp meshes+textures - looks better than the awful sprite - object download (732kb) > includes...
  2. JWofles

    FreeSO Christmas 2018

    For this wonderful Christmas event, I've put together a little photo album of what I was able to capture. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and had some fun with the event :D PHOTO ALBUM
  3. JWofles

    Rain in the game - Idea

    I guess they got their wish :)
  4. JWofles

    wow becky you have lovely hair

    wow becky you have lovely hair
  5. JWofles

    First Annual FreeSO Awards 2018

    Thanks Raeven, Architect, Grigor & Tim for the videos!
  6. JWofles

    First Annual FreeSO Awards 2018

    One last big thank you to everyone who watched or participated in the awards evening yesterday! Special thanks to all the admins, and anyone who helped out (taking screenshots, writing lists), you helped the night be a success. We can't wait to see what next year brings and we'll see you then...
  7. JWofles

    First Annual FreeSO Awards 2018

    Just in case you weren't aware, tomorrow is the first Annual Freeso Awards (AFA)! While the votes have already been collected, and the winners decided, you are still very much welcome to come to the Town Hall tomorrow and join in on the fun. The night will include the awards ceremony, and lots...
  8. JWofles

    hey could you follow me back?

    hey could you follow me back?
  9. JWofles

    Custom content development

    Yeah, it'd be best to wait for future tutorials. However if you're super eager, you can follow along the tasks here which help you get familiarised with FreeSO's IDE, Volcanic.
  10. JWofles

    jwofles' property inc.

    fenceoffice / Fence - Office / fenceoffice_iff_100 - 274 tris (was 4,907 tris before) (with all states/meshes) - uses custom textures - object download (288kb) [updated 26/01/2019 - texture colours improved] > includes .fsom & .png file > install by putting the .fsom file & .png file into...
  11. JWofles

    FreeSO on Mac

    This is awesome.
  12. JWofles

    jwofles' property inc.

    cardboardbox / Table - End - Cardboard Box / cardboardbox_iff_100 - 103 tris (was 2,000 tris before) - uses original textures - object download (1.58kb) > includes .fsom file > install by putting the .fsom file into '/FreeSO/Content/MeshReplace' if you have any problems with the files, or...
  13. JWofles

    jwofles' property inc.

    - hey, on this page you can find all the 3d meshes i've fixed for freeso available for download. feel free to use this ingame, look at them or whatever you want. - as well as the download, you can also find the source files for each upload. you can do anything you want with these files, credit...
  14. JWofles

    Property Categories

    Off Beat is pretty useless but I think in the future Rhys wants to give it a purpose/give it some benefit of some sort.
  15. JWofles

    FreeSo Keyboard-control friendly.

    The only thing I'd say is make scroll wheel zoom, and not rotate.