Recent content by purplerecluse

  1. purplerecluse

    Where can I find out if there are problems with the server at the moment?

    Best to join the Discord chat for minute-to-minute (okay, not always that immediate... but, y'know) updates from the game Developers. Announcements are always made there of the server restarts, outages, etc. Download the desktop app: ... or just use the web version...
  2. purplerecluse

    Sound Settings

    do it like this through the volume mixer. you'll be able to tune the sound for each program you're running as well as the general system sounds.
  3. purplerecluse

    FreeSO Promo Render!

    it looks so much like the TSO one.... :eek::confused:
  4. purplerecluse

    purple is

    purple is
  5. purplerecluse

    FreeSO Open Beta kicks off on January 6th!

    so glad to have been apart of this project since the start and now to see the official launch ! really amazing. thanks, Rhys. :)
  6. purplerecluse

    Choose the city that the FreeSO Official Server will use! (Round 1, Group 1)

    if we vote for betaville , are we voting for the ability to have families again ?
  7. purplerecluse

    What music do you listen to?

    shoegazee <3
  8. purplerecluse

    PatrickJr's Playtest

    <--- no longer a patrick minion .
  9. purplerecluse

    Wedding Cake Place

    aw cutee <3
  10. purplerecluse

    PatrickJr's Playtest

    so many trolls. go away redditors... keep our game classic & timeless.. don't turn it into garbage. please. thanks. <3
  11. purplerecluse {possibly open?}

    neither of those addresses are connecting for me ! :(
  12. purplerecluse

    Anyone opening a server today/tonight? :)

    ah, ok. .. i figured something might have been tweaked with the link from the Mod side. thanks, Offredo. :)
  13. purplerecluse

    Anyone opening a server today/tonight? :)

    download discord app here - then join us through this link - & the forum thread for the server -
  14. purplerecluse

    Has anyone seen this video?

    yeah , that's one of the first videos I saw upon the announcement of EaLand's closure. well, is anyone going to contact him to let him know? if not then I will :)
  15. purplerecluse

    Someone open a server, today, anytime, please!

    all your thread titles are so demanding sometimes D: please just join us on Discord for live updates and minute to minute chat where you'll know whenever someone opens up a server!! we'd love to play with you (: