Definitely something I've thought about, too. The vision I saw of this used two giant dice objects (the ones already in game) that spin when the player pushes a button at their station...or something. Would be hilarious
Guides & guidelines are not far away for this type of content. FreeSO is also not too far away from a centralized system of managing custom content submissions.
We're not quite ready for CC yet, but we're experimenting and writing guides. Stay tuned.
Hi, welcome and thanks for your offer to help!
All of the technical information is here. It's a lot of reading, but it's a step-by-step process.
Perhaps a tutorial on how to get started, since people will be starting with $0.
A video guide of tsomania's many game guides might be cool, too.
Keep up the good work.
Hello and welcome. There will be open sign-up for the beta soon, and as far as I know at this time the process of selection will be pseudo-random or stratified-random.
More details will be revealed in the next blog post.
Hey Squirmie,
You are not able to login at this time. The beta has been delayed a few weeks due to unexpected overwhelming demand on the servers. You can read more a about it in the blog here.
Currently the launch has been delayed a few weeks. You can read more about that here:
In the mean time, you can still download the legacy build, but we recommend you follow the instructions listed in the first post of this thread...
For anyone else with this difficultly: we found a work around. Use this YouTube link as a tutorial on how to force FreeSo.exe to run on a lower version of Directx than 11: