Recent content by The Architect

  1. T

    Blackjack Table Glitch

    Fixed and will be patched on next update. Thanks for the report.
  2. T

    Craps Table for the Casino

    Definitely something I've thought about, too. The vision I saw of this used two giant dice objects (the ones already in game) that spin when the player pushes a button at their station...or something. Would be hilarious
  3. T

    Best Programming tools?

  4. T

    Custom content development

    Guides & guidelines are not far away for this type of content. FreeSO is also not too far away from a centralized system of managing custom content submissions. We're not quite ready for CC yet, but we're experimenting and writing guides. Stay tuned.
  5. T

    Help, I want to remesh objects for TS1

    There is a great team of people who can help you with remeshes on our official discord:
  6. T

    Hungarian and Japanese Translation

    Hi, welcome and thanks for your offer to help! All of the technical information is here. It's a lot of reading, but it's a step-by-step process.
  7. T

    What ideas for videos do YOU have?

    Perhaps a tutorial on how to get started, since people will be starting with $0. A video guide of tsomania's many game guides might be cool, too. Keep up the good work.
  8. T

    How far off for next FreeSO beta launch?
  9. T

    Ummm' is this a place to say "Hello"?

    hi! come say hello on the discord.
  10. T

    TS1 Garden plot!

    There is an inventory system in TSO but not a gardening system outside of landscaping and the mystic tree.
  11. T

    Will there be a way to apply for the invites?

    Hello and welcome. There will be open sign-up for the beta soon, and as far as I know at this time the process of selection will be pseudo-random or stratified-random. More details will be revealed in the next blog post.
  12. T

    How do I sign in?

    Hey Squirmie, You are not able to login at this time. The beta has been delayed a few weeks due to unexpected overwhelming demand on the servers. You can read more a about it in the blog here.
  13. T


  14. T

    How do you launch the game?

    Welcome. Currently the launch has been delayed a few weeks. You can read more about that here: In the mean time, you can still download the legacy build, but we recommend you follow the instructions listed in the first post of this thread...
  15. T

    SharpDX exception

    For anyone else with this difficultly: we found a work around. Use this YouTube link as a tutorial on how to force FreeSo.exe to run on a lower version of Directx than 11: