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  1. francot514

    Help with Exception: SharpDX.SharpDXException HRESULT: [0x80070057]

    Ok i understand, also you need to upgrade your graphics card, check the message, it tells that your graphics does not support the game engine.
  2. francot514

    Help with Exception: SharpDX.SharpDXException HRESULT: [0x80070057]

    This is not a problem of Monogame compatibility with old system?? You can try TSO ville and comment if you got same results?
  3. francot514

    Your Best Buildings in FreeSO

    Thats really good lot with so many buildings, can you post download link?
  4. francot514

    TSO Installation Slides

    For some SS and MM objects you will need extra stuff, like animations, globals objects, and other, that will take a lot of effort
  5. francot514

    Request for extra building features

    This has been done before in TS1 you can find those objects in killer sims , maybe can be ported to TSO engine.
  6. francot514

    TSO Installation Slides

    Those images are revealing the big potential about community based game, from houses to sims...
  7. francot514

    Recreating your house in Sims 1

    Yes, why not, maybe change post name to more generic.
  8. francot514

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    Good work with this and good luck in the exams..
  9. francot514

    Project Sims Ville - Sims 1 open source

    Then you have to edit registry to fit your installation directory, also you have tested again?
  10. francot514

    Found Sims 3 modding source repo in C#

    Hi, i want to comment you the recent source repo i have found on github, that does contain so much info about sims 3 game data and files and host all the most important mods made "NRaas". If you know about programing, this source will be a invaluable resource for understand Sims 3 game data...
  11. francot514

    Project Sims Ville - Sims 1 open source

    No problem, but do you have 64bits Windows??
  12. francot514

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    Charvatia executable should be in downloadable files, or not?, also some readme instructions for setup a server will be not bad..
  13. francot514


    Good work for this, hope do you are doing mantenaince for server, so it do not became so buggy...
  14. francot514

    Project Sims Ville - Sims 1 open source

    Based on the image is an error you got from a created Sim at tsoville folder, delete the character named CutieElisa, and only used last version 1.2
  15. francot514

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    That is epic progress for private server direction, but seems this will jeopardize againts the City server integrity, or not??
  16. francot514

    Project Sims Ville - Sims 1 open source

    Yes, you need that registry entry, unless youre running on Linux?? How do you installed without have changed registry??
  17. francot514

    TSO spades card game

    I want to post this object i found and fix a little, spades card game, gives logic skills. enjoy. Download:
  18. francot514

    [ARCHIVE] Road to Live Release

    The project used for your studies has now ended?? That means now we can do extra contributions to the game source??
  19. francot514

    IDE - Volcanic bugs and suggestions!

    Yes, no problem, currently what i need is to test/modify global BHAVs only..
  20. francot514

    IDE - Volcanic bugs and suggestions!

    Will be cool if you can add the globals to the list of objects to be edited by IDE, that way further hacks can be tested.