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  1. Steven Atkinson


    I had a conversation with Rhys about dates, and he made a Homestuck reference. Please pay attention, all ye who read this: "4/13" is not important to this project. It was just a joke, in reference to a very good online comic. Thank you.
  2. Steven Atkinson


    I meant no harm by this. Pardon if my tone was taken seriously. I meant that date with all the whimsy Rhys had implied into it originally. I was only kidding.
  3. Steven Atkinson

    By any chance Rhys, does ZenoCraft or HazeCraft mean anything to you? Just a hunch that I'm 90%...

    By any chance Rhys, does ZenoCraft or HazeCraft mean anything to you? Just a hunch that I'm 90% sure will stay as such...
  4. Steven Atkinson

    Where do I start?

    April 13th. Got it! Glad to see you're a Homestuck as well.
  5. Steven Atkinson

    Where do I start?

    My undying gratitude. I shall hold this forum very close to my heart, where I shall check it frequently. I know this is the most prying question of the year, but has the fog cleared enough to give the team any inclination as to a date we should look forward to? Andrew Hussie, author of the...
  6. Steven Atkinson

    Planned release?

    What I'd honestly like to see is PD finally going online, completed and ironed out, right around the time that EA finally comes out of their shell about a Sims online game. It would be their Sims 5 (or whatever they try to push next) vs a remake with the graphics of a game from the year 2000...
  7. Steven Atkinson

    "Not even my best friends know what's under my hat!" -Yugo

    "Not even my best friends know what's under my hat!" -Yugo
  8. Steven Atkinson

    Where do I start?

    I am sorry for making it look like I am showing up to the party late. But for the last year, ever since what happened to Ghost and EA, I have been watching what I thought was the official Project Dollhouse website when in reality it was just a fan site. I had started to wonder when the last...