[ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

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I've been doing some 3d graphics research on the side. I've discovered a way we can greatly reduce the cost of 3d animation in the engine by doing animation vertex transforms on the graphics card (send array of matrices to gfx card for bones, vert data includes bound matrix, this we we don't have to repeatedly generate and send the character mesh to the graphics card but can instead animate it by simply changing the bone matrices).
And the most objects too.
Not really. The objects in TS1/TSO are literately just sprites. The only time any 3D is involved is when the Sim is holding it up to it's face. Export any object from either one of those two games using an extractor, and you'll see. Every element is just an a picture.
Not really. The objects in TS1/TSO are literately just sprites. The only time any 3D is involved is when the Sim is holding it up to it's face. Export any object from either one of those two games using an extractor, and you'll see.

Correction: 3D objects (made in 3DS Max) exported as sprites ;)
In all honesty, I've lost interest in the project for now. I burned out halfway through doing the monogame port and haven't found the enthusiasm to continue.
And, also, as a reminder: these developers are working on their own free time, without pay, to bring this back. I'm just happy to happen to have a Sim sitting there in SAS again, based on my present thoughts and ideas.

I say this as someone studying to program. Writing code can and will burn someone out eventually, especially when they're stuck on something without any fresh ideas to go on. It's like being on a stuck on a certain part in your favourite game and you've tried everything, so you put it down and let you're mind breathe.
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I say this as someone studying to program. Writing code can and will burn someone out eventually, especially when they're stuck on something without any fresh ideas to go on. It's like being on a stuck on a certain part in your favourite game and you've tried everything, so you put it down and let you're mind breathe.

What a great analogy! Thank you! Let's hope Rhys figures it out eventually, or it's going to take me twice as long.
Ok Rhys, no problem, take your time, i really want to see this realized, but is not something vital, cheers...
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