[ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

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So It's pretty cool that we can host our own little piravte meet up servers, but once the game reaches a point where one server can host multiple cities, lots, and sims, we will all play on one server together, right?
That's brilliant Rhys, Do you think you could add the server to the top 100 as well?
I find it a pain needing to go on here to find out what it is again.
As for server stability, Is that going to get much better? :)
Servers will not stay this way forever. This is pretty much the base for what will eventually be a headless server but it needs a bit of tweaking before it's ready. The SimAntics VM needs adapting to become more friendly, code needs optimising, etc.
So It's pretty cool that we can host our own little piravte meet up servers, but once the game reaches a point where one server can host multiple cities, lots, and sims, we will all play on one server together, right?
We can make our own private servers?!?!
Can someone please help me where and how to download Project Dollhouse? I just want to play this game and no one doesn't tell me how to can someone please help me?
Awesome updates so far!! Cant wait to also try out to join other servers and to play and chat with others. I would have never guessed that we will already have the ability to play with others still this year. This makes me even more thrilled and motivated to wait for it to be finished to the extent that it is more or less what The Sims Online was back when it was still online. I m working on a trailer made with 3DsMax for Project Dollhouse, similar to the one that has been made for TSOR but it will be rendered using 3dsMax. The reason I am making this is because I want more people to be aware of our forum and to the progress that Rhys and Afr0 have made throughout the years of working. And last but not least because I feel like doing it.
Just out of curiosity: Is it actually already possible to play Project Dollhouse fullscreen at a resolution say.. 1920x1080?
Awesome updates so far!! Cant wait to also try out to join other servers and to play and chat with others. I would have never guessed that we will already have the ability to play with others still this year. This makes me even more thrilled and motivated to wait for it to be finished to the extent that it is more or less what The Sims Online was back when it was still online. I m working on a trailer made with 3DsMax for Project Dollhouse, similar to the one that has been made for TSOR but it will be rendered using 3dsMax. The reason I am making this is because I want more people to be aware of our forum and to the progress that Rhys and Afr0 have made throughout the years of working. And last but not least because I feel like doing it.
Just out of curiosity: Is it actually already possible to play Project Dollhouse fullscreen at a resolution say.. 1920x1080?
Hey, you remember the trailer, that's awesome! :D It was actually made by me "back in the day" haha..

The client now also has safeguards in to detect when the server has disconnected. This and the previous change should help a lot for establishing the context in which things occur in our future playtests... But I can't guarantee that these will work with the current network setup, which is really bothering me. The current code is hard to follow... not in a complicated way, but in a fragmented way. We're an MMO and uncertainty certainly isn't an option for servers that need to be online 24/7.

The latest build also ignores avatar collision bounds, which should make it easy for those of you who can't wait for the routing rewrite to mess around some more. Should be up soon.
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The grey screen appears even when the server is offline, there needs to be a check if the server's (lot's) online, if it isn't, it should say an error. (I can't find it in the english.dir cst files. :/)
And with this error, it should be sent if the server ever sends invalid house (blueprint) data.
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