[ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

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That should never happen - UILiveMode has definitely been committed and my build is working perfectly fine, no uncommitted changes. Try restarting visual studio, or checking that the pull did actually work.
Check that tso.client/Code/UI/Panels/UILiveMode.cs exists and is included in the project.
Not in the project file, but in the folder.
Compile using tso.client.sln. It includes the whole project and you won't miss any parts.
I'm going to figure out the primitives Get Distance To and Get Direction To so that I can get the counters in the kitchen correctly choosing their corner pieces.

I did some testing in TS1 and it seems that Get Distance To gets the Pythagoras distance between the two specified objects in tiles, floored to a ushort. I have no idea why it's floored and so low precision, but that was their decision and we'll have to stick with it.

I'll have a look at Get Direction To tomorrow.
I've been working a little bit more on the world rendering - looks like z buffer is pretty much almost perfect now.

I'm going to see if I can get the alpha channel working without massive changes - that should help everything look a lot nicer.
I fixed alpha in SPR2 (alpha value is 0-31, not 0-255) but I still can't activate alpha blending on the effect for some reason...
Jeez, this hates me! If you're reading this thread ddfczm, then is there any reason alpha values less than 1 are being completely ignored (fills with an empty pixel)? I've disabled alpha test on the ZSprite effect but it's still refusing to draw anything less than 1. (also does this with restore from depth)

Alpha blending working!! Now to fix the sim apparently being stuck behind objects or whatever (also need to do sorting on the sprites to avoid artifacts)
Great image, how is the progress going??? i see the world rendering is really hard to make, keep it work up...
It's in their OBJD. You can easily view it in edith, or you can use one of the ones in the blueprints.
Current work on counter adjacency test:


Well, at least it tried. I'll work out what the bug is in due time.
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