FreeSO Complete Setup Tool

Just multi-thread it - you shouldn't be doing everything synchronously on the UI thread.
Just multi-thread it - you shouldn't be doing everything synchronously on the UI thread.
The console application was done away with, and the TSO installation is once again done through the Setup tool itself.
Now I just have to re-implement the Download Info, and fix the file counter.

All is back to the way it was before switching the CAB extractor.
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A few things to think about:

- If I run install twice what happens? Is the application idempotent (does not redo unnecessary changes)?
- if I have any step already installed from outside the launcher does it successfully verify this?
- if the installer is force quit in the middle of a step how does it handle that situation when restarted?
- work properly on multiple platforms?
A few things to think about:

- If I run install twice what happens? Is the application idempotent (does not redo unnecessary changes)?
- if I have any step already installed from outside the launcher does it successfully verify this?
- if the installer is force quit in the middle of a step how does it handle that situation when restarted?
- work properly on multiple platforms?
To be honest it's pretty impossible to have one of the steps done... Multiple platforms? FreeSO at the moment is available only on Windows.
Latest: While this might not look like much it is pretty substantial, considering that without this, FreeSO has no way of knowing where exactly your TSO installation is. Indeed, registry entries are now being created upon completion of your TSO installation. We are getting awfully close to an open beta testing period.
HI, om complete new on this website and tried few things, but never joined a server. My installation failed, or the game start failed, where can I download your Setuptool?
Open Beta Testing
Currently Known Bugs -
  • There is a known bug where on some PC's, the OpenAL Installer will launch twice. If you come across this bug, just know that it has been accounted for.
  • The Alternate TSO installation feature is still in early stages. For this Beta test, you can see the idea behind it by using the Beta testing tool (a basic message box that opens when you select "Install Everything"). However, by selecting the recommended Alternate TSO install, while it hasn't been bug tested a lot already, has been worked on the most.
Please keep in mind also that you might get crashes that haven't been handled yet, just simply send them here as that is what this beta test is all about. Now this isn't the quickest of installations, therefore this application is something that should be left in the background while doing other things anyway so in the end some message box popups preventing progress will be removed to provide a smoother install.
Feedback is also appreciated.
Download Link: FreeSO Setup Beta Download
Lastly: I have provided a text document providing information such as Usage Instructions, and -to be able to provide CabLib.dll with the package- information that states that I in no way own, nor have created Cablib.dll. Furthermore there is an internet shortcut provided to the license if you wish to read it.
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I hate to be cynical, but you did ask for feedback, so here goes!
I know that's there for debug purposes, but it could throw people off if they've never used the launcher before. Consider building release builds for the public to use and putting the messagebox around a pre-processor directive (i.e. #if DEBUG).

Again - I know this is an open beta, but is there no way you could display this in MB/GB? And maybe a speed too? ;)
I'm not trying to cause some sort of graphics war here, but the background here certainly looks bleak and colourless. Why did you choose this? We can't see the chat behind it, so why not choose a screenshot with more colour? It looks very uninteresting to the point where it's almost boring; why did you go for something that's in the background of the first "screen" - make it more diverse!

There's also this annoying flickering on the item that is being installed/downloaded. Can't really show that here though.

I do like the custom progressbars though, and the launcher works nicely - it installed TSO quickly along with all the prerequisites! :)
The setup tool is still in beta testing. Can you describe me what went wrong?
I will test your Setuptool now, maybe it will work :)
Edit: I downloaded the Setup tool and i cant start it, because it says I need Network Version 4.1.
I downloaded it, and it says, my PC cant run this version of Networkversion.