FreeSO Complete Setup Tool

I will test your Setuptool now, maybe it will work :)
Edit: I downloaded the Setup tool and i cant start it, because it says I need Network Version 4.1.
I downloaded it, and it says, my PC cant run this version of Networkversion.
Why are you on windows XP? It is 2016. I don't think FreeSO even supports this anymore, due to monogame requirements.
First thing - I don't think an installer should have additional files apart from the readme and license. See if you can bundle cablib and the resources in the actual exe. Config file likely is not necessary.

The game is not called "Project FreeSO"... and for some reason text entry is not enabled for those fields. Why are all of these screenshots anything but 1:1 scaled? There's even an aspect ratio mishap at the top right.

Should be able to skip game download step if already present.

I hate to be cynical, but you did ask for feedback, so here goes!
View attachment 1853
I know that's there for debug purposes, but it could throw people off if they've never used the launcher before. Consider building release builds for the public to use and putting the messagebox around a pre-processor directive (i.e. #if DEBUG).

View attachment 1855
Again - I know this is an open beta, but is there no way you could display this in MB/GB? And maybe a speed too? ;)
View attachment 1856
I'm not trying to cause some sort of graphics war here, but the background here certainly looks bleak and colourless. Why did you choose this? We can't see the chat behind it, so why not choose a screenshot with more colour? It looks very uninteresting to the point where it's almost boring; why did you go for something that's in the background of the first "screen" - make it more diverse!

There's also this annoying flickering on the item that is being installed/downloaded. Can't really show that here though.

I do like the custom progressbars though, and the launcher works nicely - it installed TSO quickly along with all the prerequisites! :)
Messages like that aren't really "debug", and they certainly wouldn't help in debugging the application, so they don't even deserve a place behind a preprocessor directive. For reference, I never submit changes which add obvious temporary testing functionality to FreeSO - the only code behind preprocessor directive is that to catch SimAntics exceptions and continue simulation after disconnecting from the server (permanently useful debug/release distinctions).

All the screenshots used were taken in spaces with rather limited choice in floor tiles, for whatever reason, so they all kind of look the same. I'd suggest taking a walls-cutaway shot of some more interesting indoors architecture. Maybe some indoor shots with more sims. Usually people choose contrasting wall-floor combinations, which would really help make the image a bit more interesting. (so much so that this image was too complex to straight upload to the forums)

I really enjoyed reading all the feedback on this as it helps me to decide whether or not to share the link for downloading in the FB group or not, at this point, I don't think I will yet, it will confuse a lot of the non-technical people :p It appears some things need to be polished up, Yes the "Project FreeSO" should be corrected to just "FreeSO" - Personally the game images for the Install Tool isn't "too bad", although a few of them do have the same floor tiles, perhaps adding a couple of replacement images would be more visually pleasant? :) Keep up the great work JD, you're doing amazing! :D
Personally the game images for the Install Tool isn't "too bad", although a few of them do have the same floor tiles, perhaps adding a couple of replacement images would be more visually pleasant?
I second this. Maybe adding several and then fading between them at given intervals?
Or better yet, just do it all within a using statement...
That's not a solution, and it's certainly not better in any way. Catching an exception will just entirely skip the rest of the process, which is what's happening right now. Catching it and trying again immediately will not close the old stream.
That's not a solution, and it's certainly not better in any way. Catching an exception will just entirely skip the rest of the process, which is what's happening right now. Catching it and trying again immediately will not close the old stream.
I never said anything about retrying or catching an exception...
Update: This update is for the technical aspects that needed tweaking, changes like the backgrounds and other picture will be reworked soon.
Updates Include:

  • Removed message boxes that serve no purposes, like the message box showing a web address after selecting the Alternate TSO installation.
  • Added an option to skip the TSO installation. If TSO isn't installed, it will show this box reminding the user that TSO installation is mandatory. If TSO is not installed however, it will just skip without any message boxes showing. This of course can always be changed to not allowing skipping TSO without it present on the Computer!
  • Both Textboxes for paths now support typing paths into them.
  • "Project FreeSO" has now been changed to "FreeSO".
  • Crash when stopping FreeSO download has been patched.
  • File sizes are now a lot more user friendly, using standard, GB, MB, KB, and Bytes.
  • Added a download speed that will work for sizes from Bytes to GB. Chances are it will stay around KB/MB though :p.
As for the OpenAL glitch, I can't say for sure if it still happens, as I have not come across the glitch on my pc yet.
You can download this updated EXE from this form post, the link has been updated.
Last edited:
Updates Include:
  • Removed message boxes that serve no purposes, like the message box showing a web address after selecting the Alternate TSO installation.
  • Added an option to skip the TSO installation. If TSO isn't installed, it will show this box reminding the user that TSO installation is mandatory. If TSO is not installed however, it will just skip without any message boxes showing. This of course can always be changed to not allowing skipping TSO without it present on the Computer!
  • Both Textboxes for paths now support typing paths into them.
  • "Project FreeSO" has now been changed to "FreeSO".
  • Crash when stopping FreeSO download has been patched.
  • File sizes are now a lot more user friendly, using standard, GB, MB, KB, and Bytes.
  • Added a download speed that will work for sizes from Bytes to GB. Chances are it will stay around KB/MB though :p.
As for the OpenAL glitch, I can't say for sure if it still happens, as I have not come across the glitch on my pc yet.
You can download this updated EXE from this form post, the link has been updated.
Glad to see that you're taking in community suggestions and using them to improve your project, it's really good to see developers who do that. There aren't enough of those in the world (looking at you, Niantic).
It has only been a short time since pokemon go even came out... I think they'll make some changes when it has been out for longer than 2 seconds (those changes being, almost entirely stability fixes)
It has only been a short time since pokemon go even came out... I think they'll make some changes when it has been out for longer than 2 seconds (those changes being, almost entirely stability fixes)
It's been out for 2 weeks, and the 3 footprints bug breaks the game and has been there since Friday at the least. They released it to Canadians too, further flooding the servers... they should at least try to keep things stable.
Large scale software development is not something that can be performed in "2 weeks". It will likely take some time to diagnose and properly solve the issues. The 3 footprints thing is likely due to them temporarily disabling that feature after it crippled their servers.
Large scale software development is not something that can be performed in "2 weeks".
So why did they release the game to 30+ countries within the two weeks, at the same time as knowing servers were unstable.
It will likely take some time to diagnose and properly solve the issues. The 3 footprints thing is likely due to them temporarily disabling that feature after it crippled their servers.
I saw that somewhere too, think it was on Reddit. They did have a beta so they should have realized that things were going to be broken, or seen issues sooner at least.
So why did they release the game to 30+ countries within the two weeks, at the same time as knowing servers were unstable
$$$ to keep releasing it anyways, and there's no way they could have known the true load (and related issues) that a public release would put on them.
$$$ to keep releasing it anyways, and there's no way they could have known the true load (and related issues) that a public release would put on them.
...Apart from various social media networks and counters on both the app store & gplay...
...Apart from various social media networks and counters on both the app store & gplay...
There's no counter for "future downloads", obviously, and social media definitely doesn't give you hard numbers. They likely thought only pokemon fans would be interested, not everyone with a phone. If such numbers did exist, they still wouldn't be able to predict what would happen to their servers with that many clients.