Porting to Monogame

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Okay, now we're getting somewhere. I had to reompile MonoGame for my system, reroute it and certain dependences to a more local location, then create a config file for Tao.sdl.dll. I just need to figure out how to adjust the directory.
Anyone want to help me porting to monogame linux version?

Better idea and method: http://forum.afr0games.com/index.php?posts/6535/
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The method I linked to means you don't have make an entirely new repository just for one port. You can still have your bugs fixed while staying up-to-date.
Yes, i understand that, you can explain me what are you trying to do, create a new app for the linux port using tao.sdl??? youre not using the monogame???
*tumble weed* ... It's in the source code. Compare Rhys and I's MonoGame branches. They both have Tao.sdl referenced. I had to make some adjustments.
Do you want to convert entirely PD for mono using Tao.Sdl?? That will take a while, becuase are the libraries has referenced to methods only for microsoft.xna...
Yes, then the right order is sdl + tao.sdl + monogame, i have used tao.sdl for a csharp application without monogame requiered...
Actually, that was using Rhy's, if I'm right. I had too much trouble using the yours, since it required too many assemblies from PD itself.
Becuase is an actual monogame project, and not the xna framework 4,0, it will requieres extra stuff like all assemblies when you create it from xamarin...
For this effects i got this error:
This does not appear to be a MonoGame MGFX file!
VertexShader = GameFacade.Game.Content.Load<Effect>("Effects\\VerShader");
PixelShader = GameFacade.Game.Content.Load<Effect>("Effects\\PixShader");
Shader2D = GameFacade.Game.Content.Load<Effect>("Effects\\colorpoly2d");
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