Recent content by Rhys

  1. Rhys

    FreeSO Official Blender Sprite Exporter (v2.1)

    FreeSO Sprite Exporter Template & Script v2.1 Updated to work in Blender 4.1 Fixed an issue where depth would be premultiplied (made object edges look aliased) Follow installation instructions from the initial post. Only available in packed form.
  2. Rhys

    To Developers: Thank You So Much!

    Thank you! It's nice to still see people leaving messages on this forum, even though we've entirely moved to discord now. I'm happy that people have had the opportunity to revisit this game, as there's really nothing else like it.
  3. Rhys

    Why are people so harsh in this game?

    I think there's an interesting contradiction in calling people a "politically correct snowflake", then making a complaint post like this on a public forum. There's not much value in this discussion as it pretty much boils down to "people don't like me for who i am", which is, uh... reality. Closing.
  4. Rhys


    We've already got a christmas event planned this year, though that wouldn't discount it being possible in future.
  5. Rhys

    War Game

    Try being less obvious.
  6. Rhys

    FREESO Stuck

    If you got this error when creating a sim, just restart the game and the sim should be there. Otherwise I don't have much idea what's going on without a screenshot.
  7. Rhys

    TSO Custom skins?

    It is possible, though the engine doesn't have any easy mechanisms to replace or add clothing/animations yet.
  8. Rhys

    Little Things

    I have been meaning to do this. There is a BBCode system ingame, but we still need to validate how safe it is - and adding it to descriptions and posts would require a "preview" mode.
  9. Rhys

    How to get into sandbox mode?

    You must double click the lot name on the list (preferably fso_empty_lot.xml, or one you have saved with ctrl-s). Clicking the "join server" button will not work if you have not specified an existing server's IP in the text box - it's meant for joining people rather than creating instances.
  10. Rhys

    [GUIDE] Fixing your update that blew up

    Right now the updater is pretty trash, so there's a fair chance that it hung during one of the files (usually discord-rpc.dll), or your antivirus stopped it mid operation. There are absolutely no safeguards when things go wrong, but this will be the next focus of development (alongside...
  11. Rhys

    Windows 10 Version 1809

    Is it the launcher that doesn't start? Unfortunately only the latest version is on the site ( ), but I can ask Maria if she has any old versions lying around.
  12. Rhys

    Windows 10 Version 1809

    I'm not on that version, so not sure if there's an issue with it. Does the game produce a dialog, and if it does, can you post a screenshot here?
  13. Rhys

    More ideas for lot diversity and game economy

    I like all of these ideas, though the main problem when introducing them will be backlash. "Why make things harder?" I can already hear, but we know that everything here would make things more interesting. Serenade spam and hustle spam are definitely the largest obstacles when it comes to this...
  14. Rhys

    FreeSO Launcher stuck extracting client files

    Are you all installing in a non-default directory?
  15. Rhys

    Suggestions Hub! Instructions and Discussion (Read before posting)

    The #neighbourhood-suggestions channel and forum section are now closed, thank you all for your submissions. They have been collected into a mega-document, and the best name+descriptions (or combinations!) will be chosen and applied to Sunrise Crater's neighborhood setup. We're now at the stage...