Recent content by Seananthony

  1. S

    Has anyone tried the Mac FreeSO Launcher?

    Has anyone tried the Mac FreeSO Launcher?
  2. S

    FreeSO on Mac

    YES. I agree on these little details in the instructions aren't there and I had to go through the same process. 1. Delete ".zip" off the "(ex. cd ~/Downloads/" when changing directory. 2. Rename the folder "client-746" to "FreeSO". 3. To launch "freeso.command" use...
  3. S

    FreeSO Running on Mac!..... Kinda

    Yeah, this aint working for me.
  4. S

    FreeSO on Mac

    Are there any updates on this? I've been trying to get it to work for Mac and just can't find a way.
  5. S

    [Temporary] Run official FreeSO on Mac using wine (Linux coming - Feedback needed)

    Do you have any fixes for this "error ! Files mismatch" issue? Overtime I'm going to install the POL_dotnet45 this message comes up and I can not continue.
  6. S


    Has there been any updates on this? I've tried to use virtualization through "Virutal Box" but I've hit a dead end.