Hey all, another boring update. I've been working on lot management, most of which is non visible hence boring. I have a basic path through buying your own property, this only works in FreeSO as we don't know all the voltron packets for this. I also did some UI work on the lot page / dialogs and added lot searching. You can update the description and rename your lots. I have not bothered to implement changing your lot category or roommates and probably won't for a bit.
The more exciting (to me) bit is I have also started on the lot server itself. It boots up and connects to a given list of city servers. The two go through a challenge / response phase to establish trust and then the lot server advertises its capacity (slots taken, cpu and RAM) to the city server every 30 seconds. It works this way so we can have multiple lot servers per city and scale horizontally. Rhys felt from the early play tests the simantics VM would be heavy enough to warrant this from day 1.
Next steps are to clean up some of the UI, map and workflows around lots. Implement the opening a lot / joining a lot / closing a lot / leaving a lot flows between the lot server and city server. For that I won't actually add the lot functionality it will just have stubs and I will focus on the networking and picking engine. After all that me and Rhys can start looking at hooking up all the existing lot code into the new lot server. I also left chat 80% implemented before I got distracted by lots so I guess I should go back and finish that too...