[ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

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The bhavs are commited??? Why it continues showing not correctly the direction of the interaction, slots are not considerer in tso???
??? What?

The sim is not facing the right direction because the AvatarComponent doesn't support other directions yet, amazingly.
Almost have the sim head in the pie menus working:
Afr0 started work on this, but I needed to implement the camera and copy constructors for avatars. Right now the attached appearances aren't yet copying.
AvatarComponent is the world representation of a sim, eg. what places them on the world. The system works like this:

VM Representation: VMAvatar --- extends ---> VMEntity
World Representation: AvatarComponent --- extends ---> WorldComponent
Renderer: AdultVitaboyModel --- extends ---> Avatar (vitaboy)

Each object has a VM Representation, a World Representation and a Renderer. For instance, for objects the chain is VMGameObject --> ObjectComponent --> DRGPRenderer. The renderer system is not as structured as the other two (they don't extend the same things, and you could potentially stick the render code in the component...) but you get the idea. Part of the plan is to switch in versions of the World Representation with no rendering for the server.

The slot logic is handled by the VM classes, however the slots and containment info are also passed to the world so that for contained objects the position can be calculated from the slot info.
Sim directions are in, but the routing slot primitive still sets it wrong occasionally:


Objects slots now also rotate with the objects. Right now the code owner system is really breaking down with tuning constants, so it probably needs a major revision to include info on extra data sources as well as the code source (like semiglobals) for tuning constants to access.
Ok, is good to hear it, keep it work up!!!

Pd. Can you say me how are you loading the lot, what file or library are you using????
The lot is being generated from an xml blueprint included with the game. There's not really a library to read it - it's all done with custom code.


I enabled every main function and got some interesting results. Most of the counters now face the correct way, however the lights decided to break pretty quickly after loading the lot, and the majority of chairs disintegrated. :p
Ok, I'm looking through the code for ceiling light main and... that's what it's... meant to do??? It sets a value "burnout check time" to 10, generates a number from 0-150, adds 150 of it (so value is in range 150-300), DECREMENTS THIS VALUE FROM THE 10 (WILL ALWAYS BE < 0!) then idles for the 150-300 tick value. If the value is < 0, the light breaks! IT IS ALWAYS < 0! Thus, all lights only last for about 10 seconds.
Multitile objects are now partially in, which fixes a few things:


The piano almost works, but it has a few problems reading the Roaches tree table (??? wtf)


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OK, looks like the problem was to do with my field encoding reading, which I just fixed. The TTAB was also actually for the Skill Tracker object, its chunk name was just confusingly wrong. Right now it's breaking trying to run the Relationship primitive, which I haven't looked into yet...
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