[ARCHIVE] SimAntics & World Development

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Clicking items now spawns them at the camera center position. Here's a lot of stuff I spawned in:

The next hurdle is the object placer, which will require heavy VM modification (and some ahead planning of how we want to do this on multiplayer)
If anyone wants to try this out right now, here's a version of the client with it:
Source branch is here:
Some objects will crash the game on spawn. Most will have something inherently wrong with them! Dialogs currently do not show, but if you have a console window open the dialog text will show in it.

Pinata object is pretty cool, that's the best example of a TSO only one. (pizza requires 4 players and a custom interface plugin, so that won't be playable for a while)
^ uhm, maybe I'm not a C# expert, but I think it always displays paths this way when debugging.

Anyway, this build is broken.
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